Weyerhaeuser: Terminate Lease With Energix!

By leasing over 1000 acres of Virginia land to Energix, a U.N.-designated human rights violator that has constructed a solar facility on the Israeli-occupied West Bank and wind energy turbines in Golan Heights, Weyerhaeuser has violated its own Code of Ethics.

Although the Code claims to respect indigenous cultures and legally recognized rights and status, Weyerhaeuser, by doing business with Energix, actually disrespects the indigenous people of Palestine.

Take action today! Join our campaign to hold Weyerhaeuser accountable until it terminates its lease with Energix.

Take Action Now!

Contact Weyerhaeuser and its Officers

Weyerhaeuser logo

Weyerhaeuser states that their human rights policy is guided by the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, its deal with Energix, a U.N. designated human rights violator, contradicts this claim.
You can:
  • Call Weyerhaeuser at 800-716-3488
  • Report online at Weyerhaeuser Ethics Online.

  • A May 2019 letter from Weyerhaeuser Senior Manager Anthony Chavez to Campbell County officials authorized Energix to file a Special Use Permit (SUP) application for a 60MW solar facility. Contact Mr. Chavez!

  • Phone: 253-924-7148
  • Twitter: @AchavezWY
  • Email: anthony.chavez@weyerhaeuser.com

  • Weyerhaeuser CEO and President Devin W. Stockfish
    Should Weyerhaeuser CEO and President Devin W. Stockfish do the right thing? Cancel the lease with Energix in Campbell County, VA, and come into compliance with its own Code of Ethics?

    Contact Mr. Stockfish!

  • Email: Devin.stockfish@weyerhaeuser.com
  • Address: 20 Occidental Ave South, Seattle, WA 98104

  • Look for Energix projects in your county and make your voice heard!

    Once we become aware of a local Energix project, we send out a mailing to the residents with further information.


    Weyerhaeuser Code of Ethics

    Weyerhaeuser Code of Ethics
    "Weyerhaeuser respects and supports human rights and individual freedoms. Human rights are the basic standards of treatment to which all people are entitled, regardless of factors such as nationality, gender, race, or economic status.

    "Relationships with Indigenous People—We respect indigenous cultures and legally recognized rights and status."

    Weyerhaeuser Code of Ethics (2019)

    Energix is #32 on UN List

    Logo of the UN Office of the High Commisioner for Human Rights

    The United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in February 2020, listed Energix Renewable Energies as a Category G company because of its "use of natural resources, in particular water and land, for business purposes" in occupied Palestinian territories. Although Energix sold its Meitarim solar facility in 2021, it is still in ongoing clashes with communities in the Golan Heights because of its plans to expand wind energy plants. Energix uses Israeli courts and Israeli military police against Syrian Druze populations opposed to the usurpation of land, wind, and cultural resources.

    UN OHCHR Report

    Energix SUP Application

    Parcels from Weyerhaeuser for solar site

    Energix submitted a Special Use Permit application packet in 2019. "Caden Energix Gladys LLC proposed to construct, operate, and maintain a 60 MW PV solar energy facility on approximately 660 acres of the property. The solar facility would contain approximately 181,600 photovoltaic (PV) solar panels to power 12,000 single family homes." Weyerhaeuser is leasing this land to Energix.

    The Campbell County Board of Supervisors approved the Energix SUP in November 2019.

    VCHR Letters to Weyerhaeuser

    Weyerhaeuser logo

    VCHR Letter to Weyerhaeuser re Human Rights - 10/06/2020

    VCHR Letter to Weyerhaeuser re Termination of Lease - 02/20/2021

    Letters Regarding Energix Solar in Campbell County

    Campbell County logo
    Weyerhaeuser Letter re SUP Application for Energix Site - 05/06/2019

    VCHR Letter to Campbell County BoS re Human Rights - 05/25/2020

    VCHR Letter to Campbell County BoS re Environment - 01/26/2021

    Toxic Heavy Metals (Cadmium-Telluride) in Solar Panels

    VCHR informed Campbell County officials about the danger of toxic solar panels to be used by Energix.

    VCHR Letter re CdTe in Solar Panels - 07/20/2021