Gaza Resources

The Education Committee has curated resources relevant to Gaza.


A communal exploration of the histories and cultures of the Arab world, Afikra is is a global organization that aims to promote intellectualism and the diversity and richness of the Arab world’s cultures and histories. Through events online and around the world, Afikra has built a global community of volunteers, thinkers, and explorers.

Afikra has recorded podcast episodes relevant to understanding the historical context to what is happening in Palestine. Four of them are included. Also included are some old podcast favorites, books, films, art, music and resources to learn more about Palestinian history and culture.

Special Podcast Series

Afikra hosts podcasts on various subjects related to the Arab world. Below are a number of Special Podcasts focusing on Gaza and Palestine.

Prof. Abaher El-Sakka

Author of "Gaza: A Social History under British Colonial Rule"

Omar Thawabeh interviews professor El-Sakka who paints a vivid picture of Gaza’s social and economic life from the Mamluk period to British colonial rule.

Prof. Beshara Doumani

Professor of Palestinian Studies at Brown University

Doumani gives us critical historical context for what's happening in Palestine right now, explaining why and how Palestine's colonial history is relevant today.

Brendan Ciarán Browne

Author and multidisciplinary scholar

The author of “Transitional (in)Justice and Enforcing the Peace on Palestine” joins us to talk about transnational solidarity, Ireland, the ICC, and what justice could look like in Palestine.

Mara Kronenfeld

Executive director of UNRWA-USA

Kronenfeld gives context about the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza right now and the devastating impact the 17-year-long blockade has had on Palestinian life.

For a listing of additional podcast episodes on Palestine, follow this link.

Books We Love

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017

Rashid Khalidi

Traces the 100 years of colonial war on the Palestinians, waged first by the Zionist movement and then Israel, but backed by Britain and the United States. Original, authoritative and important, this book reevaluates the forces arrayed against the Palestinians, and offers an illuminating view on a war that continues to this day.

In Search of Fatima

Ghada Karmi

Karmi's acclaimed memoir captures her childhood in Palestine, flight to Britain after the Nakba, and coming of age in Jewish Golders Green, in North London. Speaking for the millions of displaced people worldwide who have lived suspended between their old and new countries – fitting into neither – this is an intimate, nuanced exploration of the subtler privations of psychological displacement and loss of identity.

For additional book recommendations on Palestine, follow this link.

Eye on Art

Would the Valleys Were Your Streets, 2017

Jordan Nassar is an American-Palestinian artist who creates a contemporary style of tatreez (Palestinian embroidery), borrowing traditional motifs from his Palestinian heritage and exploring the notion of landscape entirely from the imaginary. This one is a hand embroidered cotton on cotton.



Free Palestine poster

Free Palestine Project: Visual archive of Palestine posters.

Artists and designers from around the world are creating posters for Palestine and submitting them to this growing visual archive. They're free to use for non-commercial purposes, so browse the already extensive list – and if you're an illustrator, contribute your own work.

This artwork was designed by Rustungberto.

Links & Things

Palestinian Film Screenings Around the World [Nov 2]
Today is the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. Aflamuna is organizing more than 90 Palestinian film screenings around the world to show unwavering support for Palestine & contribute to shifting distorted narratives.

London Palestinian Film Festival [Nov 17-23]
The festival is set to explore issues that are pertinent to the events unfolding today through a creative, cinematic lens. The program includes both recently released titles and archival favorites.

In The Shade of the Sun exhibition at Mosaic Rooms [until Jan 2024]
A multimedia exhibition that contemplates the relationship between politics and aesthetics through the work of a new generation of Palestinian artists.

Visualizing Palestine
Visualizing Palestine uses data and research to visually communicate Palestinian experiences and provoke narrative change. Listen to a podcast episode with their team from 2021.

American University of Beirut's Palestinian Oral History Archive
This digital platform is part of a project to digitize, index, preserve and provide access to an archival collection of approximately 1000 hours of testimonies with first generation Palestinians and other Palestinian communities in Lebanon.

For a Free Palestine: Films by Palestinian Women
Though the films are no longer available to watch for free, this is a good resource for discovering and learning about films made through the lens of female filmmakers.

The Palestine Chronology by the Institute for Palestine Studies
An interactive timeline of the day-to-day political and military events surrounding Palestine that took place from 1982 to the present day.

Six books to read about Palestine for free
Verso Books has made six e-books available to download for free, each of which challenges Zionist ideology and offers a clear history of the occupation, Israel's military industrial complex and the BDS movement.

American Friends Service Committee

The Companies Profiting from Israel’s 2023-2024 Attacks on Gaza
The companies listed here have provided Israel with weapons and other military equipment used in its attacks on Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria following October 2023.

Gaza in Context Project
The Gaza in Context Project, which is a part of the Palestine in Context Project, has the following two teaching modules.

Gaza in Context Project: A Collaborative Teach-in Series
In collaboration with 22 university and research centers, the Arab Studies Institute has produced and curated resources for anyone looking to learn more about Gaza. These weekly teach-in series cover a host of issues that introduce our common university communities, educators, researchers, students, and laypersons to the history and present of Gaza, in context.

The War on Palestine Podcast is a 20-minute weekly program with updates on events on the ground. It is focused on analysis on how to make sense of those developments.


MAKAN is a Palestinian-led political education organization that strengthens voices for Palestinian rights.
This page compiles previous Makan resources to make it easier than ever to access vital information and support your advocacy efforts. Whether you’ve been advocating for Palestine for a long time or are just starting to explore this important issue, this resource can help frame current discussions on Gaza.

MIT Coalition for Palestine
The MIT Coalition for Palestine is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) movement of scientists (and students) opposed to colonialism, occupation, and apartheid in Palestine and beyond. They are guided by four principles of unity:

  1. They are committed to the liberation of Palestine.
  2. They support the right of oppressed and occupied people to resist their oppression.
  3. They fight for Palestinian liberation within the broader struggle for liberation of all oppressed peoples.
  4. They defend the right of every human to live a life of dignity.

Their report, MIT Science for Genocide, is accesible at: Section 7 of the report, "Cited Works and Further Reading", provides an extensive bibliography.

South Africa’s Petition to the International Court of Justice

Teach Palestine Resource List
The Teach Palestine Project, a project of the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) based in Berkeley, California, is a resource by and for K-12 teachers and teacher educators focused on bringing Palestine into classrooms and schools. Units, lesson plans, and background materials include topics on immigration, Manifest Destiny, borders and walls, the juvenile justice system, water, and U.S. policy in the Middle East.

Resources for learning more about the war in Gaza:

The resources below are designed to help educators understand current event in Gaza. They also include background information about Palestine to use with students at different grade levels. Resources are categorized under three themes:

  • News Sources & Social Media accounts on what’s happening in Gaza now
  • Background Information & Teaching Resources on the Roots of Current Events in Palestine
  • Infographics

Video Resources
Untold Stories from Gaza Dr. Tariq Haddad is a Palestinian-American cardiologist who has lost more than 100 family members in Gaza since October 2023. He immigrated to the US in his teens and has visited the West Bank consistently in recent years. Join Atif Qarni, Former VA Secretary of Education, for a fireside chat with Dr. Haddad to hear the untold stories of the civilians in Palestine who have lived under oppression for over 75 years. Topics addressed include a brief history of Palestine, the ethnically cleansed villages in 1948, what daily life looks like for Palestinians, the education system, unequal access to resources like land and water, contending with checkpoints and the Apartheid Wall, and much more. [1:19:41]
Al Jazeera podcast Center Stage: Interview with Israeli historian Ilan Pappé Ilan Pappé, an Israeli historian and professor at the University of Exeter, is known for his outspoken views on the Israeli-Palestinian question. He’s the author of several books, including The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, in which he challenges the traditional Israeli narrative over the establishment of Israel in 1948. In this episode, Pappé discusses the dangers of the Zionist ideology and its impact on Israel and Palestine, the historical context of October 7, and his vision for a one-state solution. [25:03]

Zinn Education Project and Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change Resource List
These resources include lessons and teaching stories, news coverage, fact sheets, books, articles, calls to action, film clips, podcast, archives, projects and classroom stories.